
The Cloudnode platform offers a MongoDB database option to store persistent data. The database is connected through a fast local network. We also provide access to the Mongo shell and tools through the Developer Shell.

MongoDB Administration

The “Databases” tab lists your databases. From here you can also create new databases, delete existing database or manage your databases using the Web GUI. Clicking on a database name opens the database detail page, where you find your API key and URL to connect internally to your database from your apps. You can also view database and collection metrics.

MongoDB Credentials

Your app’s environment is populated with variables that contain all data to access the database. To do so, select the MongoDB during application creation. The environment will receive the follow variables:

  • “DBHOST”=”MongoDB host name”
  • “DBUSER”=”MongoDB user name”
  • “DBPWD”=”MongoDB password” (also called MongoDB apikey)

You can check these values from the “Manage App” screen by clicking “Get Env”. You are the owner of the database. You can create additional users and admins using the mongo shell or programmatically from your app.

MongoDB Backups

Every database running on the Cloudnode platform is backed up on a daily basis. The backup are stored for at least 14 days. You can download your backups from the database details page and store them in another safe place.

Usage Example

We plan to provide example apps that demonstrate how to use Node.js and MongoDB. We are currently preferring mongoose to access MongoDB. Mongoose can be installed using npm. For details on using npm with your Node VM see Node package manager.